Frequently Asked Questions About Our Pumice and Processes

A collection of question-and-answer content from the pages of our site.

question iconI’m thinking pumice. Can you help me determine if pumice would work for my particular needs? ••• ]

question iconWhat are the processes and product types currently using pumice? ••• ]

question iconWhat grades of pumice powders and aggregate do you supply? ••• ]

question iconSure, Hess refines a lot of standard pumice grades, but what if I need something special? ••• ]

question iconHow soon can I get my pumice? ••• ]

question iconI’d like to run some tests at my lab. Can I get samples? ••• ]

question iconHow and where can I buy small amounts of pumice for personal use? ••• ]

question iconWhat are my shipping options? ••• ]

question iconWhere can I find product data sheets, safety information, research, and other official documents? ••• ]

question iconPumice is pumice, right? It’s basically all the same. ••• ]

question iconWhat about the purity of the Hess pumice? ••• ]

question iconIs pumice safe to work with? ••• ]

question iconSo...what is pumice, specifically? ••• ]

question iconDoes pumice color matter? ••• ]

question icon“Pumice” and “Pozzolan”...the same thing? ••• ]

question iconDo you supply large pumice stones? ••• ]

question iconDoes pumice work for competition concrete canoes? ••• ]


Additional Question and Answer-style content available at


We know pumice. We’ll answer your questions, help determine the ideal grade for your needs, get you sample grades for testing, or help figure out the logistics of getting pumice to you.

R&D: (208) 766-4777 x111

Sales: (208) 766-4777


Driving Directions:
Offices, Shipping Docks, Mine