Textured and Grippy Coatings
Because of the light, foamed-stone nature of pumice and its low specific gravity, pumice tends to distribute evenly and stay in suspension in most paints and coatings (depending on viscosity). Heavier grits, like sand, will settle and clump, requiring constant stirring or agitation or a last-minute sprinkle-in application right before applying, neither of which is ideal.
Non-Slip Applications
Gritty floor paints or epoxy coatings are often used to provide grip underfoot in traction-critical locations like stairs and sloped walkways.
The same qualities that make pumice a great abrasive also work to make pumice highly effective as a grit for non-skid and “toothy” coatings—a sponge-like stone riven with nooks, crannies and sharp glassy edges that grab and hold.
Another advantage inherent in this foamed-stone nature is that it binds tightly into the cured paint, primer, coating, or resin. And unlike the monolithic solidity of a sand particle, pumice is friable. Under enough force or wear, pumice tends to fracture instead of popping out, leaving some of the pumice particle bound in place to continue providing grip. Those loose sharp-edged pumice shards will bite into surface coating and provide positive traction under load (which is why pumice makes a great snow and ice traction aid). Conversely, solid particles like sand, once freed from the binding substrate, add a loose layer of hard, slippery particles that roll and slide around underfoot.
The lightweight, foamed-stone form factor of pumice means the pumice granules stay in suspension, depending on the viscosity of the liquid base. Not only does that require less stirring, it also contributes significantly to a more even distribution of the texture on the surface.
Grippy-Surface Applications
Pumice mixed into dry wall primers and masonry and concrete bonding agents will provide mechanical key, or grip, for plaster renderings on horizontal surfaces, including thin veneer interior lime or clay plasters as well as traditional exterior plaster finishes.
Textured-Surface Applications
Gessos going down over canvas and hard board need not rely only on brush-stroked texture alone. Pumice, depending on the coarseness of the grade and amount mixed into the gesso, can provide anything from a subtle tooth to an aggressive pebbled feel. The same wide textural range applies to using pumice in underpaint surface coatings and materials primers.
If you’d like to sample a pumice grade (or several), we have a nice selection of stock pumice grades available to purchase in small quantities via our Pumice Products Store.
If you’d like to run tests and trials using our pumice in your commercial product formulation or industrial process, please contact us at salesteam@hesspumice.com with your request. We look forward to answering your questions, helping you select the best grade for your process, or helping you explore the fit of pumice for your needs. PLEASE include your name, your company or organization, pertinent project details, ship-to address, and preferred contact information in the sample request email.